A New Integrated Software Development Environment Based on SDL, MSC, and CHILL for Large-scale Switching Systems

  • 발행 : 1997.01.31


This paper presents a new software development environment that supports an integrated methodology for covering all phases of software development and gives integrated methods with tools for ITUT (Telecommunication Standardization Section of the International Telecommunication Union) languages. The design of the environment to improve software productivity and quality is based on five main concepts: 1) formal specifications based on SDL (Specification and Description Language) and MSC (Message Sequence Charts) in the design phase, 2) verification and validation of those designs by tools, 3) automatic code generation and a safe separate compilation scheme based on CHILL (CCITT High-Level Language) to facilitate programming-in-the-many and programming-in-the-large. 4) debugging of distributed real-time concurrent CHILL programs, and 5) simulation of application software for integrated testing on the host machine based on CHILL. The application results of the environment compared with other approaches show that the productivity is increased by 19 % because of decreasing implementation and testing cost, and the quality is increased by 83 % because of the formal specifications with its static and dynamic checking facilities.



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