• 발행 : 1997.03.01


Times series modeling plays an important role in the field of engineering, Statistics, Biomedicine etc. Model identification is one of crucial steps in the modeling of an AutoRegreesive Moving Average(ARMA(p, q)) process for real world problems. Many techniques have been developed in the literature (Salas et al., McLeod et al. etc.) for the identification of an ARMA(p, q) Model. In this paper, a new technique called The Generalised Parameters Technique is formulated for seasonal and non-seasonal ARMA model identification. This technique is very simple and can e applied to any given time series. Initial estimates of the AR parameters of the ARMA model are also obtained by this method. This model identification technique is validated through many theoretical and simulated examples.



  1. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control G. E. P. Box;G.M. Jenkins
  2. International Statisical Review v.53 no.3 Methods for determaning the oredr of an Autoregressive Moving Average process: A survey G. De. Gooijer;B. Abraham;Ann Gould;L. Robinson
  3. Journal of Time Series Analysis v.1 no.1 An introduction to long memory time series models and fractional differencing C.W.J. Granger;R. Joyeux
  4. Journal of Time Series Analysis v.15 no.1 (Mis)specification of Long Memory in Seasonal Time series U. Hassler
  5. Biometrika v.68 Fractional differencing J.R.M. Hosking
  6. Biometrika v.78 no.4 A note on estimating autoregressive Moving Average order L. Kavalieris
  7. Journal of time series Analysis v.14 no.1 Determining the order of a vector auto regression when the number of component series in large S.G. Koreisha;T.Pukkila
  8. Water Resources Research v.13 no.3 Advances in Box - Jenkins modeling A.I McLeod;K.N. Hipel;W.C. Lennox
  9. Journal of Probability and Mathmatical Statistics v.14 A note on the estimation of degree of differencing in Long memory Time Series Analysis M.S. Peiris;J.R. Court
  10. Biometrika v.77 no.3 The identification of ARMA models T. Pukkila;S.G. Koreisha
  11. Water Resources Research v.18 no.4 ARMA Model identification of Hydrologic time series J.D. Sales;J.T.B. Obeysekera
  12. IEEE Transactions on Signal processing v.41 no.6 Determanation of the MA order of an ARMA Process using sample correlations X.D, Zhang;Y.S. Zhang