청소년기 자녀 가족의 가정교육 연구 -가정교육 내용에 관한 척도 개발을 중심으로-

A Study on the Home Education of Family with teenagers -A Focus of Developing the Scale on the Content of Home Education-

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


This study aims ai the extraction of what is universally to be taught in modern Korean Families and its scalization. That is, it attempts to provide the criterion by which we can determine what to teach adolescent in the family, not in society or school. For this purpose, this study firstly reviews the preceeding studies on the subject. As a result of the review, we postulate the hypothetical structure consisting of 11 domains. Secondary, we gather the parent's view on the topic by interviewing 496 parents with teenagers. On the basis of this study, we can construct the questionnaire(Likert scale; 5 point). After we conduct an extensive empirical research(346 parents) in order to generalize 195 items of the workedout questionnaire. We apply factor analysis(principal axis factoring, oblique (promax) rotation) in the verification of the validity. As the consequence, we select 66 items consisting, 10 factors, which explain 68% of common variance. We name the 10 educational factors extracted in the scale as follows ; The Sense of Value, Communal Society, Sex, Esteem for an ancestor & a traditional way of life, Parent-Child Relationship, the Culture life within the family, The Guide of Learning Way, Setting up the way of life, The control of one's life, Friendship. The reliability of the scale is the cronbach =0.91 which turns out to be satisfactory.



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  2. 샘터 유아 교육 신서 32 가정교육 이렇게 하세요 김재은
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  4. 인간발달의 이론 서봉연
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  9. 한국가정관리학회지 v.14 no.1 '현대의 가정교육 내용'에 관한 척도 개발 연구 왕석순;서병숙
  10. 한양대 박사학위 논문 아동기 가족의 가정교육 연구 왕석순
  11. 요인분석 이순묵
  12. 청소년 자녀에게 이렇게 하세요-사회학습이론 부모교육서 이옥외
  13. SPSS/PC+를 이용한 다변량분석 이영준
  14. 교육부 유치원의 기본생활 교육에 관한 연구 이원영(외)
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  16. 청년심리학 이춘재(외)
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  22. 중고등학생의 가정교육 차종환
  23. 인문과학 20집 가정교육의 현대적 과제(제 1보) 지영숙
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