A Study on the Oriental Medical Insurance and the Industrial Accident Compensation in the Social Security System

사회보장제도(社會保障制度)로서의 한방의료보험(韓方醫療保險)과 산재보상(産災補償)

  • Published : 1997.12.29


The Serial Securities and the Social Welfare, as the national policy aimed at securing generals' lives, are the policies or systems for the stabilization in lift; especially of law-incomers and workers, for which the povernment has to establish the Social Security System. No wonder the Social Insurance System is a part of the Social Security System and the most important. The Social Insurance System, along with Public Assistance, is underlying the Social Security System. Social Security System includes medical insurance, industrial accident Compensation insurance, national pention insurance and employment insurance. The study is on 'The Oriental Medical Insurance and the Industrial Accident Compensation in the Social Security System' . The rate of industrial accident in Korea marks the highest rank in the world. for laborer, industrial accident do not merely mean the loss of health but the question of the right to live in terms of their loss of opportunity of life. The industrial accident compensation system should be established as the es post facto remedy system to guarantee the injured worker and his/her family's life. The oriental medical insurance system which began to operate in 1987 in Korea is based on unionism and divided into 3 parts; one part for the worker, a second part for the community inhabitants, and a third part for the public service personnel and private school personnel. Today the medical problem must be the most important social assignment to be considered. The medical system of contemporary industrial society has began greatly stood out in relief as a part of social welfare not emphasized on gainings of physicians. Accordingly systematization of the oriental medical insurance was strongly Pursued and it was developed to to the extent of entire nation insurance. Though the history of it is very short, most of the people are getting benefit from the insurance system by the social security system method. This study develops the Oriental Medical Insurance, the Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance, the Pension System in relation to the industrial accident compensation of Employees, along with the ideas and principles of social insurance.



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