육미지황탕(六味地黃湯)이 뇌조직(腦組織)의 생화학적(生化學的) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Yukmijihwangtang on the Biochemical Changes in Brain Tissue

  • 이영구 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 이인 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 문병순 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Lee, Young-Goo (Dept. of internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine WonKwang University) ;
  • Lee, In (Dept. of internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine WonKwang University) ;
  • Moon, Byung-Soon (Dept. of internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine WonKwang University)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.30


The present experiment was designed to examine catecholamines, serotonine, amino acids, malondialdehyde and free radical scavenging activity, by administering Yukmijihwangtang extract of a variety of concentraction to senile brain. The results were summarized as followings: 1. Yukmijihwangtang significantly increased noradrenaline in the striatum, hypothalamus, midbrain and pons-medulla oblongota of the brain tissue of senile rats, and even though Yukmijihwangtang increased noradrenaline also in other brain tissue, there was no significance. 2. Yukmijihwangtang significantly increased dopamine in the striatum, hypothalamus and midbrain of the brain tissue of senile rats, and even though Yukmijihwangtang increased dopamine also in other brain tissue, there was no significance. 3. Yukmijihwangtang significantly increased serotonine in the pons- medulla oblongata and cerebellum of the brain tissue of senile rats, and even though Yukmijihwangtang increased serotonine also in the other brain tissue except hypothalamus and midbrain, there was no significance. 4. Yukmijihwangtang significantly increased amino acid in the brain tissue of senile rats. 5. Yukmijihwangtang significantly decresed malondialdehyde and free radical in the brain tissue of senile rats. According to the above results, Yukmijihwangtang is assumed to improve brain function by reacting on biochemical of the senile brain, and that Yukmijihwangtang can be used to treat regressive brain disease carrying symptoms of psychoactive disorders.



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  48. 加味六味地黃湯煎湯液이 無麻醉家兎의 腎臟機能에 미치는 影響 姜惠永
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  51. 六味地黃湯이 ${\gamma}$-ray照射로 因한 마우스의 血球細胞와 染色體 損傷에 미치는 影響 金善京
  52. 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.1 六味地黃湯投與가 Rat의 成長 및 血淸 總 Cholesterol含量에 미치는 影響 金宇炫
  53. 韓方成人病學會誌 v.2 no.1 老化防止를 위한 韓醫學的 方法 金恩基(外)
  54. 韓國韓醫學硏究所論文集 v.1 no.1 老化防止를 위한 韓藥材의 效能硏究 김정숙(외)
  55. 大韓神經科學會誌 v.3 no.1 Alzheimer's disease의 신경화학적 변화에 관한 고찰 김진수
  56. 六味地黃湯과 八味地黃湯 煎湯液이 家兎의 血漿 Cortisol濃度에 미치는 影響 盧永範
  57. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.16 no.1 腦의 機能에 대한 臟象論적 考察 成彊慶
  58. 六味地黃湯과 八味地黃湯 煎湯液이 抗改良型馬杉腎炎에 미치는 影響 柳志允
  59. 六味地黃湯煎湯液의 投與가 마우스의 體液性 및 細胞性 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 邊文壽
  60. 육미지황탕 및 향사평위산 투여가 근대 5종 선수들의 혈액성분 변화에 미치는 영향 서인원
  61. 六味地黃湯이 흰쥐의 $SO_2$에 의한 呼吸器 損傷에 미치는 影響 吳世光
  62. 六味地黃湯이 醫因性 Cushing's syndrome을 誘發시킨 白鼠에 미치는 影響 尹鍾淑
  63. 大韓神經科學會誌 v.16 no.1 정신과 영역에서의 치매 이근후
  64. 六味地黃湯煎湯液이 腎性高血壓 白鼠의 血壓 및 血漿 Renin活性度에 미치는 影響 李彦政
  65. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.4 no.2 內經에 나타난 腦의 考察 李源哲(外)
  66. 大韓東醫病理學會誌 v.2 陽虛證 誘發에 의한 補中益氣湯, 六味地黃湯의 效果 李泰浩
  67. 六味地黃湯이 抗Stress效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究 趙潤淑
  68. 大韓神經科學會誌 v.3 no.1 치매의 병리 지제근
  69. 六味地黃湯의 抗糖尿效果에 관한 實驗的 硏究 韓一洙
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