가미하고초산(加味夏枯草散)이 항암제(抗癌劑)의 항종양효과(抗腫瘍效果)와 종양세포(腫瘍細胞)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Influence of Gamihagochosan on The Antitumor effect of Anticancer Drug and The Proliferation of Tumor Cell Lines

  • 김균택 (원광대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 전병훈 (원광대학교 방제학교실, 병리학교실, 의약쟈료연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


In order to investigate the effects of Gamihagochosan Extract(加味夏枯草散抽出液) on antitumor effects after human cell lines (A549, hep3B, Caki-1, Ehrlich) transplantation into the peritoneal cavity or right groin in mice induced by RPMI1640 and GIBCO etc., the extracts of its herbal medicines were orally administered for 10 or 12 days. Experimental studies were performed for measurement of antitumor effect of Mitomycin C(MMC) and lysosomal enzyme's activities using colony forming efficiency, SRB assay which were regarded as a valuable method for the measurement of antitumor effects of unknown compound on tumor cell lines. The results obtained in this studies were as follows : 1. The change of colony-forming efficiency and SRB assay of Caki-1 cells, hep3B and A549 Cells after exposure to the extract of Gamihagochosan extract depressed the growth of tumor cells by concentration of Garnihagochosan. 2. Antitumor activity of the ethanol extract from Gamihggochosan extract and MMC on ascites form of Ehrlich carcinoma in mice is slightly improved. Especially the mean of survival times in the group of 200mg/kg and MMC 0.1mg/kg is improved over 34.9%. 3. When Gamihggochosan extract and MMC are administered together, the weight of tumor is more decreased than MMC alone. 4. The lysosomal enzyme's activities of the Gamihagochosan extract and MMC are more significantly improved than MMC alone. According to the above result, it could be suggested that Gamihagochosan extract has indirect antitumor effect by the increase of MMC uptake.



  1. 經史證類大觀本草 唐愼微
  2. 夏枯草, 玄胡索, 甘菊復方水針이 自發性高血壓 흰쥐의 血壓 및 血淸에 미치는 影響 李惠景
  3. 腫瘤臨症備要 李岩
  4. 柴완이 抗癌作用 및 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 金尙勳
  5. 東風菜가 抗癌作用 및 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 李學喆
  6. 비氣丸이 白血病과 淋巴腫患者에서 抽出한 癌細胞에 미치는 抗癌效果 韓相日
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  9. 國譯增補 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  10. 方藥指針 孟華變
  11. 方藥合編解說 申載鏞
  12. 臨床本草學 辛民敎
  13. 申氏本草學 申吉求
  14. 標準本草學 金晸壽
  15. 本草綱目 李時珍
  16. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  17. 本草述鉤元 楊時泰
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  19. 常用中藥的藥理和應用 戴克敏等(編)
  20. 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  21. 神農本草經 陳兆桓
  22. 現代人의 癌治療 洪元植
  23. 漢藥의 藥理, 成分, 臨床應用 陸昌洙(外)
  24. Chinese Herbal Medicine Dan Bensky;Andrew Gamble
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  27. 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  28. 漢方醫藥大事典 陳存仁
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  41. 免疫原論 김정순
  42. 大韓韓方腫瘍學會誌 v.1 no.1 韓醫學의 腫瘍에 對한 認識과 病理論 崔昇動
  43. 免疫學 서울大學敎 醫科大學
  44. 病理學 大韓病理學會(編)
  45. 現代中共의 癌治療 洪元植
  46. 大韓癌學會誌 v.21 no.2 子宮經部癌患者에서 放射線治療가 免疫機能에 미치는 影響 김재옥(外)
  47. 腫瘍學 서울大學敎 醫科大學
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  56. 免疫調節物質 探索의 實驗的 接近 김길현(外)
  57. 腫瘤的辨證施治 錢伯文
  58. 中醫腫瘤學 郁仁在
  59. 中醫外科學 願伯康
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  61. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
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  63. 東醫內科學 金圭東
  64. 常見腫瘤診治指南 孫桂芝
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  69. 醫宗必讀 李仲梓
  70. 醫學心悟 程國彭
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  76. 趙永植 博士 華甲記念論文集 數種 韓藥材가 制癌劑 및 Gluco-corticoid의 抗體生産抑制作用에 미치는 影響 金光湖(外)
  77. 數種의 韓藥物이 癌細胞 感受性에 미치는 影響 任宰訓
  78. 六君子湯, 小元柴胡湯, 魚腥草 및 加味方의 抗癌作用과 免疫反應에 關한 實驗的 硏究 尹相協
  79. 靈芝 山慈姑 仙鶴草 卷柏 瓦松이 癌細胞 感受性에 미치는 影響 吳千植
  80. 修治巴豆 및 巴豆加黃連의 細胞毒性과 抗腫瘍效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究 趙誠玉
  81. 息賁丸 및 肥氣丸이 白血病과 淋巴腫患者에서 抽出한 癌細胞에 미치는 效果 姜大根
  82. 肥氣丸 및 消積正元散이 사람의 名種 癌細胞柱의 成長阻碍에 미치는 效果 金剛山
  83. 伏梁丸이 白血病과 肝癌患者에서 抽出한 癌細胞에 미치는 抗癌效果 金剛山
  84. 四妙湯 大元柴胡湯 및 構成藥劑들의 抗癌作用과 免疫反應에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金漢燮
  85. 防毒湯의 抗腫瘍效果와 免疫反應에 關한 實驗的 硏究 李鳳雨
  86. 半夏白朮天麻湯과 半夏白朮天麻湯加味方의 抗癌效果와 免疫反應에 關한 實驗的 硏究 白泰鉉
  87. 巴豆를 加味한 四君子湯 및 四物湯의 抗癌效果에 대한 硏究 李永燥
  88. 消積保中丸의 抗腫瘍效果에 關한 硏究 魯勳政
  89. 養正消瘤湯伍用化療治療中晩期胃腸癌臨床觀察, 論文選集 陳長懷(外)
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