The effects of Sakunjatang and Samultang Aqua-acupuncture on immune response

사군자탕(四君子湯) 및 사물탕(四物湯) 약침(藥鍼)이 면역반응(免疫反應)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • 이병렬 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실) ;
  • 안병철 (경희대학교 한의학대학 침구학 교실)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


In order to investigate the effects of Sakunjatang(四君子湯) and Samultang(四物湯) aqua-acupuncture on immune response, Sprague-Dawley male rats were used and randomly divided into four group. Normal group was normal control, Control group was injected i.v. with 2mg/kg MTX on 9th and 11th day after sensitization with SRBC on 5th day, Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group(Sample A) was aqua-acupunctured daily for 18 days into the locus corresponding Bisu(B20) locus of the human body to Rat and MTX was administered 9th and 11th experimental day, Samultang aqua-acupunctured group(Sample B) was aqua-acupunctured daily for 18 days into the locus coresponding Bisu(B20) locus of the human body to Rat and MTX was administered 9th and 11th experimental day. In the 9th day and the 11th day after aqua-acupuncture, MTX was injected to reduce immune function in the tail of rat. leukocyte count, lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte count of spleen, lymphocyte count of bonemarrow, contact hypersensitivity to DNFB, morphologic change of thymus cell, and electropherogram of serum protein. The result were summarized as follows: 1. Before MTX injection, leukocyte count had no significant difference in Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group compared to control group and after MTX injection, leukocyte count had no significant difference Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group. 2. Before MTX injection, lymphocyte ratio was decreased significantly Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group compared to control group. 3. After MTX injection, lymphocyte ratio was increased significantly Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group, Samultang aqua-acupunctured group had no significant difference compared to control group. 4. The lymphocyte count of spleen was increased significantly Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group compared to control group. 5. The lymphocyte count of bonemarrow was increased significantly Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group, Samultang aqua-acupunctured group had no significant difference compared to control group. 6. Contact hypersensitivity was no significant difference in Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group compared to control group. 7. In the morphologic change of thymus cell, control group compared to normal group had a indistinct boundary between cortex and medulla, and lymphocyte cell density of thymus was low, Sakunjatang aqua-acupuryctured group had a distinct boundary between cortex and medulla, and lymphocyte cell density of thymus was high. 8. In the SDS-PAGE electrophorogram of serum protein, Sakunjatang aqua-acupunctured group and Samultang aqua-acupunctured group had a wide band of nearby 50,000 and 25,000 Dalton which meant IgG generate more activity.



  1. 東醫病理學 金聖勳;鄭燦吉;郭桂豪
  2. 면역학 김세종
  3. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永(編)
  4. 東醫生理學 金完熙
  5. 診療要鑑(下) 金定濟
  6. 東醫病理學 文濬典;安圭錫;崔昇勳
  7. 基本免疫學 文希柱;權赫僩
  8. 면역학 서울대학교 의과대학(편)
  9. 조직학실습 신태성(외)
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  15. 最新 免疫學 李淵台(譯)
  16. 병원미생물학 이종원
  17. 鍼灸學(上$\cdot$下) 全國韓醫科大學校 鍼灸經穴學敎室(編著)
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  22. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植(編著)
  23. 大田大學校大學院 博士學位論文 飢餓恢復時 代識基質$\cdot$호르몬$\cdot$ 姜政秀
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  55. 增補萬病回春(上冊) 龔廷賢
  56. 衛生寶鑑 羅天益
  57. 中醫方劑學 南京中醫學院(編)
  58. 醫學綱目(卷四) 樓全善
  59. 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
  60. 方劑學 上海中醫學院(編)
  61. 黃帝內經 素問 今釋 王琦 등
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  63. 醫學正傳 虞搏
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  69. 試論中醫治則與免疫調節 v.15 no.5 韓先達
  70. Histology Frithjof Hammersen
  71. Expremental and surgical technique in the RAT H. B. Waynforth;P. A. Flecknell
  72. Current Protocols in Immunology v.2 Jone E. Coligan;Ada M. Kruisbeek;David H. Margulies;Ethan M. Shevach;Warren Strober
  73. The Tools of biochemistry Terrance G. Cooper
  74. Text Atlas of Histology Tomes S. Lesson;C. Roland Lesson;Anthony A. Paparo