- 鍼刺手法-百種 李潤浩
- 전기치료학 이재형
- 鍼灸學 全國韓醫科大學鍼灸經穴學敎室
- 경희대학교 한의학과 석사학위 논문 赤外線 體熱 撮影을 利用한 中風 片痲痺 患者의 臨床的 觀察 권오희
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- 巢氏諸病源候論(卷2) 巢元方
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- 金匱要略方論 張仲景
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- The sfoulder in hemiplegia Cailliet R
- Phys Ther v.59 Electrical stimulation of wrist and fingers for hemiplegic patients Baker LL;Yeh C;Wilson D;Waters RL
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.60 Positional feedback and electrical stimulation : An automated treatment for the hemiplegic wrist Bowman BR;Baker LL;Waters RL
- Arch Neurol Psychiat v.33 Vasomotor changes associated with paralysis of cerebral origin Bucy PC
- Acta Chir Scand v.148 The reflex dystrophy syndrome;Response to treatment with systemic corticosteroids Christensen K;Jensen EM;Noer I
- Brain v.112 Chronic hyperalgesia and skin warming caused by sensitized C nociceptors Cline MA;Ochoa J;Tobrebjok HE
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$\beta$ -adrenergic vasodilator Cohen RA;Coffman JD - Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.58 Shoulder-hand syndrome in a hemiplegic population: A 5-year retrospective study Davis SW;Petrillo CR;Eichberg RD;Chu DS
- Skeletal Radiol v.15 Thermography a reevaluation Edeiken J;Shaber G
- Arch Neurol Psychiat v.36 Vasomotor disturbance and edema associated with cerebral hemiplegia Ellis LB;Weiss S
- J Am Geriatr Soc v.28 Posthemiplegic shoulder-hand syndrome with special reference to related cerebral localization Eta F, Yashikawa;Veda S;Hirai S
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.75 The effects of functional electrical stimulation on shoulder subluxation, arm function recovery, and shoulder pain in hemiplegic stroke patients Faghri PD;Rodgers MM;Glaser RM; Bors JG;Ho C;Akuthota P
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.68 Electromyographically triggered electric muscle stimulation for chronic hemiplegia Fields RW
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.96 Documentation of myofascial trigger points Fischer AA
- Rehabilitation medicine Goodgold J
- J Nucl Med v.25 Three-phase bone studies in hemiplegia with reflex sympathetic dystrophy and the effect of disuse Greyson ND;Tepperman PS
- The Lancet v.9 Measurement of pain Huskissan EC
- Arch Neurol Psychiat v.33 Vasomotor disturbances resulting from cortical lesions Kennard MA
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.73 Techniques to improve function of the arm and hand in chronic hemiplegia Kraft GH;Fitts SS;Hammond MC
- Chen Tzu Yen Chiu v.15 no.3 Objective display on phenomena of propagated sensation along channels(PSC)-changes on the infrared thermal image channels pathway of upper extremity Liu R;Zhuang D;Yang X;Li Y;Zhang D;Wen B;Zhang R
- JAMA v.167 Posthemiplegic reflex sympathetic dystropy Moskowitz E;Bishop HF;Pe H
- Paraplegia v.25 Functional electrical stimulation:current status and future prospects of applications to the neuromuscular system in spinal cord injury Peckham PH
- Med Clin N Amer v.42 The shoulder-hand syndrome:Present status as a diagnostic and therapeutic entity Steinbroker O;Argyros TG
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.49 The shoulder-hand syndrome:Present perspective Steinbroker O
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.62 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the upper extremity:analysis of total outcome of management of 125 cases Subbarao J;StiIwell GK
- Scand J Rehabil Med v.9 Reflex dystrophy:resting blood flow and muscle temperature as diagnostic criteria Sylvest J;Jensen EM;Siggaard-An-derson J;Pedersen L
- Thermology v.1 Symmetry of skin temperature comparing one side of the body to the other Uematsu. S
- J Neurosurg v.62 Thermographic imaging of cutaneous sensory segment in patients with peripheral nerve injury:skin-temperature stability between sides of the body Uematsu S
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.67 Painful shoulder in hemiplegia Van Ouwenaller C;Laplace PM;Chantraine A
- Chen Tzu Yen Chiu v.15 no.3 The comparison of changes of the facial temperature after acupuncturing point of hand and foot-yangming meridians by the thermography Zhang D;Wen B;Wei Z;Gao H;Peng Y;Meng J