Experiment Study on Antioxidant Activites of Aqua-acupuncture of Cynanchum Wilfordii Hemsley

백화수오약침의 항산화작용에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 이종현 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 성락기 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 김성훈 (대전대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


This study was performed to prove the antioxidant activities of Cynanchum Wilfordii Hemsley(白何首烏) by way of aqua- acupuncture methods. After 10% & 20% concentrations of liquid extract of Cynanchum Wilfordii Hemsley were acupunctured on Joksamri(足三里) of rats with acute and chronic experimental oxidation by AAPH(2, 2'-azobis(aminoidinopropane), hydrochoride), various kinds of experiments were measured. The results were obtained as follows: 1. In acute antioxidant experiment, the amount of TBARS indicated irregular increase and decrease to over 68% in experiment group in comparison with normal group. 2. In the serum test of acute antioxident experiment, uric acid and total protein and albumin were significantly increased in experiment group in comparison with control group. 3. In chronic antioxident experiment, the change of body weight was significantly decreased in 20% experimental groups in comparison with control group, and only liver significantly increased in 10% & 20% experiment group. 4. In chronic antioxident experiment, total protein significantly increased in 10%, 20% experimental groups and creatinine and BUN were significantly decreased in 10% experiment group. 5. In the chronic antioxident experiment, serum GOT, GPT activity didn't show no significantly change, LDH activity was significantly increase in 10% experiment group in comparison with control group. 6. In the chronic antioxident experiment, the tolerance test with enzyme activities of erythrocyte membrane was significantly decreased in 10% & 20% experimental groups. 7. In the chronic antioxident experiment, the change of TBA was significantly decreased in 10% & 20% experimental group. 8. In the chronic antioxident experiment, the amount of cytochrome p-450 was significantly increased in 10% & 20% experimental groups in comparison with control group. 9. In the chronic antioxident experiment, the amount of cytochrome b5 was significantly increase in 20% experimental group in comparison with control group. 10. In the chronic antioxident experiment, the change of activity of superoxide dismutase, and catalase were significantly increased in 20% experiment group in comparison with control group. From the above result, it was concluded considers the liquid extract of Cynanchum Wilfordii Hemsley(白何首烏) could be used as antiaging drugs, because it delayed the aging process and retarded senility.



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