Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
In recent years dry direct-seeding of rice has been encouraged by the government and increasingly practiced by farmers in Korea. This has been bringing up an increased occurrence of weedy rites. Some farmers in the southern region dare to sow the rice before winter after harvest, while most farmers wish to sow as early as possible in the spring to secure the growing period, and to disperse the intensive labor in early May. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of moving the sowing of rice to an earlier date under dry direct-seeding, and to elucidate the nature of emergence of an old strain of rice, weedy rites, and barnyardgrasses tinder this farming practice and their adaptive competence over present cultivate. The presently recommended rice cultivar, Dongjinbyo and an old rice strain, Dadajo which prevailed in early 1900s, almost could not emerge from soil deeper than 6cm and could emerge to only 5.3% at best from 1cm deep loamy soil field when the seeds were sown on Nov. 28. However, two strains of weedy rites being weedy for over 200 years emerged by 17.0 to 63.0% from the loamy and sandy clay loam field 1 to 6cm deep. Emergence of the weedy rites was greater in the loamy soil and at a shallow depth, and negligible from the soil depth of 9cm. Barnyardgrasses sown on Nov. 28 emerged by 13.4 to 51 % from the 1 to 3cm deep loamy soil, and 8.6 to 46.7% from the 1cm deep sandy clay loam. Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli emerged more than var. praticola, and var. oryzicola least. Most of the non-emerged barnyardgrasses seem to have entered secondary dormancy. Seeding rice a month earlier than the season lowered the emergence of Dongjinbyo by ca. 10, 18, and 26%, respectively at 1, 3, and 6cm soil depths, indicating that moving the seeding date a month earlier is impractical. The old strain, Dadajo sown in the soil at a depth of 6cm responded similarly. However, the strain has shown a significantly higher ability in emergence from 9cm deep soil. Weedy rices sown a month earlier A month earlier sown weedy rices have shown very similar emergence rates at various soil depths to those sown on May 1. Barnyardgrasses have also shown similar emergence rates when sown between April 3 and May 1. Like barnyardgrasses, the old strain and weedy rices apparantly posessed a greater adaptability to emerge under lower temperatures, and from deeper soil ; Dongjinbyo
본 연구(硏究)는 건답직파재배(乾畓直播我培)에서 최근 시도되고 있는 파격적(破格的)인 조기파종(早期播種)에 대한 실효성 여부와 건답직파답에서 최근 급증하고 있는 잡초성(雜草性)벼와 피의 출현특성(出現特性)을 파악하기 위하여 장려품종인 동진벼, 재래도(在來稻)인 다다조, 잡초성(雜草性)벼인 샤레벼, 그리고 피를 1994년 월동전(越冬前)과 월동후(越冬後) 파종적기(播種適期)보다 약 1개월 빠른 시기 및 정상적인 파종시기에 서울대학교(大學校) 부속실험농장내 사질식양토(砂質植壞土)포장과 양토(壞土)포장에서 실시하였으며 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 월동전(越冬前)에 파종한 동진벼와 다다조는 6cm 이상에서는 전혀 출아하지 못했으며, 토심 1cm에서도 5.3%만 출아하였다. 그러나 잡초성(雜草性)벼인 갈색까락샤레와 갈색쌀샤레는 17-63%가 출아하였으며, 사질식양토(砂質植壞土)포장보다는 양토(壞土)포장에서, 복토심(覆土深)은 얕을수록 출아율(出芽率)이 높았다. 2 이른봄인 4월 3일에 조기파종(早期播種)한 동진벼의 출아율(出牙率)은 5월 1일에 파종한 것보다 11~26% 낮았으나 갈색까락샤레와 갈색쌀샤레는 거의 같았다. 3. 월동전(越冬前)에 토심 1cm에 파종한 피는 사질식양토(砂質植壞土)포장에서 8.6~46,7%, 양토(壞土)포장에서 38.6~51.3%가 출아(出芽)하였으며, 월동후(越冬後) 4월 3일에 파종한 것과 5월 1일에 파종한 것과의 출아율(出芽率)은 거의 같았다. 피의 종류간에는 물피>돌피>강피의 순으로 출아율이 높았다. 4. 자연조건에서 최초출아개시일(最初出芽開始日)은 동진벼는 4월 30일, 피는 4월 22일이었으며, 동진벼는
Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단