Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater (상하수도학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 1
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- Pages.96-111
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- 1996
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- 1225-7672(pISSN)
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- 2287-822X(eISSN)
A Study on the Failure Characteristics about Metropolitan Pipelines in Korea
국내(國內) 대도시(大都市) 수도관(水道管)의 파손특성(破損特性)에 관한 연구(硏究)
- Published : 1996.01.15
The failure of water pipelines is progressed by several compound factors and the collection and analysis of data about pipeline failure are inevitable for effective pipeline rehabilitation. Data analysis of pipeline failure was already performed in USA and Europe. Based on such phenomena, failure characteristics about metropolitan pipelines in Korea were analyzed: The conclusions of this study are as followings. 1. The failure cause of pipelines can be classified into natural cause and artificial cause. Artificial cause is 32% of total causes, so artificial failure as several constructions happens frequently in Korea. Although the failure by old pipe is greatest of any other causes m classtfied cause, failure cause is not classified in detail now. 2. The damaged part of pipelines is affected by cities, distribution system inventory, bedding conditions, and so on. In this study, the failure of pipeline body(67%) is greater than the failure of pipeline joint(33%) in natural failure. 3. In regard to pipe materials, failure rate of DCIP(0.8456), PEP(0.7288), and GSP(0.6643) is greater than that of CIP(0.3985) and CWSP(0.2348). 4. Usually, faIlure rate is increased in proportion to diameter of pipeline. In this study, CIP, DCIP, and CWSP have clear trends. But the trends of PEP is reverse, the case of GSP, HP is obscure due to data shortage. 5. There are no direct relationships between burial age and failure rate of pipelines. 6. Annual breaks and winter(Nov.~Feb.) breaks of pipelines are investigated. As a result, WInter breaks to annual breaks of CIP is 51.3%(Seoul), 51.1%(Taegu),38.7%(Pusan). This phenomena have direct correlation with average winter temp. of cities.