Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management (품질경영학회지)
- Volume 24 Issue 2
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- Pages.44-53
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- 1996
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- 1229-1889(pISSN)
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- 2287-9005(eISSN)
Maintenance Model for Wear-Out Process Integrated with the Percent Defective and the Failure Rate
불량률과 고장률을 통합한 마모공정의 보전모형
Lee, Dou-Kyung
(Dept. of Industrial Eng., Kum-Oh National University of Tech.)
(금오공과대학교 산업공학과)
- Published : 1996.06.20
This paper deals with the problem of selecting optimal wear limit and initial process mean in a wear-out process. Consider a material removal processing machinery where 1)there are deffective items by linear shift in the mean of the diameter of to be processed with varing process variance and 2)there can be any failure in the machine tools or to be processed. In the previous studies, the one is analyzed by 'Model of Producing Goods' in quality control area and the other, any failure, is analyzed by 'Model of Producing Services' in reliability area. We propose a new integrated maintenance model, considering the percent defective and the failure rate. A numerical example for the model is given.