남한의 중생대 화강암중의 가스성분과 유체포유물 연구

Gas Composition and Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Mesozoic Granitic Rocks in South Korea

  • 투고 : 1996.05.10
  • 발행 : 1996.08.30


Mesozoic granitic rocks in the Korean peninsula contain $H_2$, $CH_4$, CO and rare $C_2H_6$. The Jurassic Daebo granites mostly belonging to the ilmenite series are predominated in $CH_4$. Meanwhile, the magnetite series Bulguksa granites of Cretaceous age in the Kyongsang basin and Okchon zone are relatively enriched in $CO_2$. The older granites have a wide variation of $CH_4/CO_2$ ratios (0.1~1.0) compared to those of the younger ones (0.1~0.5). This characteristics of gas compositions suggest that the Jurassic granites are principally derived from the partial melting of metasedimentary rocks with much reducing materials in the lower continental crust. On the other hand, the mantle source granitic magmas might be responsible for the Cretaceous granites characterized by dominant and homogeneous $CO_2$ gas compositions. Liquid-vapor homogenization temperatures of quartz in the Jurassic and Cretaceous granites range from 108 to $539^{\circ}C$ (av. $324^{\circ}C$) and 160 to $556^{\circ}C$ (av. $358^{\circ}C$), respectively. Their salinities are between 0.2 and 16.3 wt.% NaCl for the Jurassic granites and 0.4, and 15.6 wt.% NaCl for the Cretaceous ones. Fluid inclusions with solid daughter minerals lying on or near the halite equilibrium curve represent inclusion fluids from the magmatic stage. The type I and II fluid inclusions which are plotted apart from the equilibrium curve are considered to trap in late hydrothermal alteration stage with a increasing influx of metedric water.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 교육부