Modelling of strain localization in a large strain context

  • Cescotto, S. (M.S.M Department, University of Liege) ;
  • Li, X.K. (National Laboratory for Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipments, Dalian University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 1996.11.25


In order to avoid pathological mesh dependency in finite element modelling of strain localization, an isotropic elasto-plastic model with a yield function depending on the Laplacian of the equivalent plastic strain is implemented in a 4-node quadrilateral finite element with one integration point based on a mixed formulation derived from Hu-Washizu principle. The evaluation of the Laplacian is based on a least square polynomial approximation of the equivalent plastic strain around each integration point. This non local approach allows to satisfy exactly the consistency condition at each integration point. Some examples are treated to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.



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