A simple procedure to simulate the failure evolution

  • Chen, Zhen (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Missouri)
  • 발행 : 1996.11.25


To simulate the large-scale failure evolution with current computational facilities, a simple approach, that catches the essential feature of failure mechanisms, must be available so that the routine use of failure analysis is feasible. Based on the previous research results, a simple analysis procedure is described in this paper for failure simulation. In this procedure, the evolution of localization is represented by a moving surface of discontinuity, and the transition between continuous and discontinuous failure modes are described via the moving jump forms of conservation laws. As a result, local plasticity and damage models, that are formulated based on thermodynamic restrictions, are still valid without invoking higher order terms, and simple integration schemes can be designed for the rate forms of constitutive models. To resolve localized large deformations and subsequent cracking, an efficient structural solution scheme is given for Static and dynamic problems.



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