Numerical simulation of concrete slab-on-steel girder bridges with frictional contact

  • Lin, Jian Jun (Forintek Canada Corporation, National Wood Products Research Institute) ;
  • Fafard, Mario (Department of Civil Engineering, Laval University) ;
  • Beaulieu, Denis (Department of Civil Engineering, Laval University)
  • 발행 : 1996.05.25


In North America, a large number of concrete old slab-on-steel girder bridges, classified noncomposite, were built without any mechanic connections. The stablizing effect due to slab/girder interface contact and friction on the steel girders was totally neglected in practice. Experimental results indicate that this effect can lead to a significant underestimation of the load-carrying capacity of these bridges. In this paper, the two major components-concrete slab and steel girders, are treat as two deformable bodies in contact. A finite element procedure with considering the effect of friction and contact for the analysis of concrete slab-on-steel girder bridges is presented. The interface friction phenomenon and finite element formulation are described using an updated configuration under large deformations to account for the influence of any possible kinematic motions on the interface boundary conditions. The constitutive model for frictional contact are considered as slip work-dependent to account for the irreversible nature of friction forces and degradation of interface shear resistance. The proposed procedure is further validated by experimental bridge models.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Steel–Concrete Composite Plate Girders Subject to Shear Loading vol.129, pp.9, 2003,