PC를 이용한 철판 자동절단시스템 개발

Development of PC Controled Automatic Cutting System

  • 김상헌 (생산기술연구원 산업기술시험평가연구소 특수시험팀) ;
  • 정경렬 (생산기술연구원 생산시스템개발센터 설계자동화팀)
  • 발행 : 1996.01.01


In this study, PC controlled CNC automatic cutting system is developed. Technological introduction of the control process and the computer programming has made possible not only the automatic control for cutting processing unit but also the easy-to-use graphic software that enables the cutting process. This program involves shape part drawing and amendment, pattern reading and saving, reading Autocad file, nesting process, kerf compensation, automatic cutting path generation, NC file conversion and motor control. Software is devided into 3 modules for easy work. First step enables drawing, amendment and pattern making, followed by automatic nesting and cutting path generation with kerf compensation. In the final step, drawing data is transmitted for the resulting automatic cutting processes. This software would be applicated in gas cutting and textile cutting so that it improves the productivity of cutting process.
