Synthesis of the New 1,2-Dithiolene Metal Complexes[M$(BDDT)_2^-$] (M=Ni, Cu) and Their Electrode Structures


The new 1,2-dithiolene, 1,4-butanediyldithioethylene-1,2-dithiolate (BDDT2-), has been isolated. In addition, new monoanionic bis-complexes with nickel and copper have been prepared and characterized. In order to investigate the detailed electronic structure of the metal complexes of the new ligand, BDDT2-, in terms of the oxidation state of the central metal ions, we have carried out molecular orbital (MO) calculations of Ni(BDDT)2-and Cu(BDDT)2- utilizing an Extended Huckel method. Cyclic voltammetry data for both complexes were obtained with a potentiostat. We have also compared these results to the previously synthesized Ni(PDDT)2-, Ni(DDDT)2-,Cu(PDDT)2-, and Cu(DDDT)2-.



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