The Frequency-Dependent First-, Second-, and Third-Order Polarizabilities of Thiophene-, Furan-, Pyrrole-Nitro Polyene Systems


The semiempirical time-dependent Hartree-Fock PM3 calculations have been performed on three polyene systems. In order to study the nonlinear optical properties, we calculated the frequency-dependent first-, second-, and third-order polarizabilities of thiophene-, furan-, pyrrole-nitro polyene systems. The PM3 predicted average and longitudinal polarizabilties increase in the order: thiophene- > pyrrole- > furan-nitro polyene systems. The PM3 predicted limiting average second-order polarizabilities show the order: pyrrole- > furan- > thiophene-nitro polyene systems. The average and longitudinal third-order polarizabilties have the following order: pyrrole- > thiophene- > furan-nitro polyene systems. In these trends, we sugest that pyrrole group is the best donor group among the three polyene systems.



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