The Mt. Peakdu is situated in north of the main peninsula, commanding geographically coordinated between longitude W($127^{\circ}$ 15' - $128^{\circ}$ 00') to E($128^{\circ}$ 15'- $129^{\circ}$ 00'), between latitude from S($41^{\circ}$ 15'- $42^{\circ}$ 00') to N($42^{\circ}$ 10'- $42^{\circ}$ 40'). The Manjyang-Gul in Cheju volcanic island is situated in the south of the main peninsula, commanding the Korean Strait, geographically coordinated longitude N($33^{\circ}$ 32' 26") and E($126^{\circ}$ 46' 48"). The quantitative analysis using XRF of volcanic rock samples for the north of Lu- Ming- Feng in Mt. Peakdu Group and the Manjang-Gul in Cheju island was Performed. The major chemical components by group analysis are as follows; Peakdu-Mt. Cheju Peakdu-Mt. Cheju (1) $Na_2O$(3.29Wt% and 3.27Wt%) (2) MgO (3.95Wt% and 6.l5Wt%) (3) $Al_2O_3$((17.64Wt% and 15.l7Wt%) (4) $SiO_2$((50.62Wt% and 50.99Wt%) (5) $P_2O_5$ (0.36Wt% and 0.30Wt%) (6) $K_2O$ (1.37Wt% and 1.04Wt%) (7) CaO (8.56Wt% and 8.06Wt%) (8) $TiO_2$ (2.37Wt% and 2.l5Wt%) (9) MnO (0.llWt% and 0.l6Wt%) (10) $Fe_2O_3$(9.l2Wt% and 12.56Wt%) The Group analysis data were compared in the relation within the age of formation for $0.16{\pm}0.08Ma$ in Mt. Peakdu Group, and $0.42{\pm}42Ma$ or $0.42{\pm}42Ma$ in Cheju island for K-Ar age. The crystal structure are mixed crystal of monoclinic, hexagonal and triclinic system in Mt. Peakdu Group and mixed structure of triclinic and cubic system in Cheju volcanic island.ic island.