충격관을 이용한 $C_2H_2$의 폭굉특성연구

A Study on the Detonation Characteristics of $C_2H_2$in Shock Tube

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


Detonation phenomena of $C_2H_2$were invesgated using the various shock tube. To study the detonation characteristics according to the composition of $C_2H_2-0_2$$_2$ and $C_2H_2$-air mixtures, the composition were varied from 5 to 90% and 5 to 50% of acetylene each other. A spiral ring was installed in the shock tube to study the effect of obstacles in DDT phenomena. Detonation velocities were measured using the photodiode, and the DDT phenomena was visualized using the high speed schlieren photograph. From the experimental result, it was found that the detonation velocity was most high near the 1. 8times the stoichiometric ratio of acetylene. And from the visualization of DDT phenomena, it was found that the detonation wave was strengthened throuth the pile up of small compression wave of burned gas. And the obstacles in shock tube accelerate the detonation reaction by turblent effect of flammable gas mixture.
