A Case Study on the Serious Accidents of Construction

건설중대재해 사례 연구

  • 장동일 (한양대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 이명구 (서울보건전문대학 산업안전과)
  • Published : 1996.03.01


It is a problems in industrial accidents that the knowledge for industrial accidents is obtained by experience, not by experiment. This experiential knowledge is obtained by Investigating accident cases and utilizing those for safety education. Therefore, in this paper, the situation about the serious accident of construction is analyzed by occupation, a kind of construction, time group, season, type of accident, and accidental cause. And the mutual · relations of these factors are studied. The most frequent type of the serious accidents of construction Is the falling accident. It happenes most frequently at apartment construction among kinds of construction and to structural worker, finishing worker, normal worker in order among occupations. And it is found that the most critical causes of the falling accident are the imperfection of safety facilities and unwearing of protection equipments, so a number of accidents can be reduced by the expansion of safety facilities and wearing of protection equipments absolutely. The counterplan of prohibition of accidents and the direction of government policy are presented by a series of nalyses for accident cases.
