Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment (대한지하수환경학회지)
- Volume 3 Issue 2
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- Pages.51-59
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- 1996
Prediction of Leachate Migration from Waste Disposal Site to Underground LPG Storage Facility and Review of Contamination Control Method by Numerical Simulations
수치모의를 통한 지하 LPG 저장시설에 인접한 폐기물매립지에서의 침출수이동 예측 및 제어공법 검토
In case waste disposal site is to be constructed close to the underground facilities such as LPG storage cavern which is completely maintained by groundwater pressure, it is generally requested that the possibility on leachate contamination of cavern area be reviewed and the countermeasure, if it is estimated cavern area is severely affected by leachate, be taken into consideration. Prediction was performed and leachate control plan was made using by analytical and the numerical analysis on the leachate migration which is likely to happen at the area between the proposed waste disposal site and the underground LPG storage cavern located at the U petrochemical complex. Analytical solutions were obtained by the conservative mass advection-diffusion equation and the effect of advection and dispersion factor on the leachate migration was reviewed through peclet number calculation and the functional relationship between the factors and leachate transport velocity was established, which leads to enable us to predict the leachate transport velocity without difficulties when different parameters (factors) are used for analytical solution. Numerical solutions were obtained by FEM using AQUA2D which is for the simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. 3-D discrete fracture models were simulated and fracture flow analysis was performed and feasibility study on the water-curtain system was conducted through the fracture connectivity analysis in rock mass. As results of those analyses, it was interpreted that the leachate would trespass on the LPG storage cavern area in 30 years from the proposed wate disposal site and the vertical water-curtain system was effective mathod for the prevention of leachate's migration further into the cavern area.
지하 LPG 저장시설과 같은 지하수에 의존하는 시설물 인접지역에 폐기물매립장이 설치될 경우, 침출수 누출로 인한 지하수오염 예측 및 오염방지 대책수립이 요구되고, 이를 위한 지하수유동 및 용질 이동(Mass Transport) 해석을 실시하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 현재 U 지역 석유화학공단내에서 발생된 상기 와 같은 내용의 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 해석학적 해석 및 수치해석에 의한 침출수이동 예측을 실시하였으며 침출수제어 공법을 검토하였다. 해석학적 해석은 입력요소를 이송(Advenction)요인과 분산 (Dispersion)요인으로 구분하여, Peclet 수로 부터 각 요인의 침출수이동에 미치는 영향을 분석 검토하였으며, 보존성용질 이송확산 방정식으로부터 입력요소 변화율과 침출수이동속도 변화율의 관계를 함수식으로 도출하여, 입력요소 변화에 따른 침출수 이동속도 변화를 간단히 예측할 수 있었다. 수치해석은 지하수유동 및 용질이동 해석용 FEM 프로그램인 AQUA2D를 이용하여 침출수이동 예측을 위한 수치모의를 실시하였다. 침출수제어공법 검토를 위해서 3D 불연속체모형을 모의하고 모의된 모형을 대상으로 지하수유동해석을 실시하여 암반내 열극(Fracture)의 상호 연결성 분석을 통한 수벽(Water Curtain) 시스템의 타당성을 분석하였다. 해석학적 해석 및 수치모의 결과, 폐기물매립장으로 부터 지하 LPG 저장기지로 침출수가 30년 이내로 유입되는 것으로 예측되었으며, 이를 방지하기 위한 침출수 제어공법으로는 수직수벽 시스템이 효율적인 것으로 예측되었다.