Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment (대한지하수환경학회지)
- Volume 3 Issue 1
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- Pages.21-26
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- 1996
Estimation of the Available Amount of Groundwater in South Korea : 2. Application of Five Major River Basins
우리나라 지하수 개발가능량 추정 : 2. 5대강 유역에의 적용
The amount of the annual groundwater recharge for the five major river basins in South Korea is estimated to be 9,000 million cubic meters for one groundwater hydrologic year, of which amount corresponds to the available amount of groundwater. It is proposed from the analysis of hydrographs that the groundwater hydrologic year stare at the end of February. The basin which affects the groundwater outflow behaves as being homogeneous in the macroscopic sense, because recession coefficients(k) are independent of the basin area and nearly constant. Also, the curve of April goundwater recession decreases more steeply than that of September groundwater recession, because of the larger amount of evapotranspiration during the period of April groundwater recession.
5대강 유역의 28개 관측지점의 수위와 유량자료를 이용하여 추정된 지하수 함양량 즉 지하수 유출량은 90억 m