중국의 해면어류 생산이 우리나라 어업에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Catches of Marine Fish in China on Marine Fisheries in Korea

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


The purpose of this paper is to find out how catches of certain species of marine fish in China influence the marine fisheries of Korea. The results are as follows: 1) While the catches of the main species of marine fish are over 74% in Korea, those of China are under 45%. 2) The main species of marine fish in China(MFC) are hair tails, jack mackerels, anchovies, mackerels, Spanish mackerels, pomfrets, redlip croakers, fie fish, sea breams, sardines, croakers and bigeyed herrings. 3) All the MFC belong to the main species of marine fish in Korea. 4) The fishing grounds of hair tails, jack mackerels, mackerels, Spanish mackerels, pomfrets and croakers in China are similar to those of Korea. 5) Catches of hair tails, jack mackerels, Spanish mackerels, pomfrets, file fish, sea breams and bigeyed herrings in China are many times more than those in Korea. Therefore Korea can't compete with China with such species of marine fish. 6) The price of MFC apart from mackerels and sardines is more competitive than the price of such species in Korea. When the catches of China's marine fish are imported, the species of China's marine fish that will have a great influence on the marine fisheries of Korea are hair tails, jack mackerels, pomfrets and sea breams.
