경기도에서 발생하는 유우부루셀라병에 관한 연구;I. 감염우의 역학조사 및 분리균의 특성에 관하여

Studies on outbreak of bovine brucellosis in Kyunggi province;I. The epidemiological characters of brucella-reactor cattle and properitis of isolated Brucella abortus

  • 발행 : 1996.11.01


The survey was performed to provied details about the pattern of bovine brucellosis occurred in Kyunggi province area. The results obtained through the investigations were summarized as follows. Five hundred seventy - three cattle of bovine brucella reactor were occurred in 14 districts among 31 districts in Kyunggi province in 1989-1995. Among them, 370 cattle(64.5% ) were bred in Eastern area(Ichon, Yeju, Kwangju) and 153 cattle(26.7% ) in Southern area(Yongin, Ansung, Peungtack) And the number of farms occurred by bovine brucellosis was 110 ones. When we investigated the occurrance frequency for the 110 farms, the ratio of farms which was brocken out just one time was 67.3a and more than twice was 32.7%. In 573 cattle, 271 cattle were reoccurred in farms which had broken out the bovine brucellosis more than one time. And this survey said the interval of reoccurrance was like this ; within a month 50.2%, within two month 19.2%, within four month 7.4%, within six month 7.4%, within an year 15.1%, within 2 year 7.0%. Brucella abortus was isolated from 38 cattle of the 61 ones cattles, and in type all isolated belong to biotype 1.
