A Research on Authoring Tool Employing Multimedia

멀티미디어를 이용한 Authoring Tool 개발에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1996.02.01


During the 21st century of informational society, in the learning of various field will utilize the education using multi-media more extensively than ever before. The biggest question is how effective the education using multi-media will be. For effective education, wide-spread supply of not only the hardware and various kinds of CBT or CAI that are being developed in the learning of various fields. It is also felt that the skill for application of more convenient multi-media authoring tool is needed. If the producter of such multi-media authoring tool can store various types of information in a form of data bank, accessing the right information at right time and its application would be possible. It can also provide a lot of information to many out-of town learmers. As seen above, the scope of usage for multi-media authoring tool will be broadened. However, no matter how excellent the Authoring Tool is, the results can be very different depending on the method employed. In order to develop CBT or CAI that can be better used in the learning of various fields, examination and on-site training, more reseach should be done in Authoring Tool using virtual reality and artifical intelligence technology.
