Journal of Hydrospace Technology
- Volume 2 Issue 2
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- Pages.36-43
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- 1996
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- 1225-8717(pISSN)
Calculation of Wavemaking Resistance of High Speed Catamaran Using a Panel Method
Lee, Seung-Joon
(Chungnam National University, Taejon, KOREA) ;
- Joo, Young-Ryeol (Samsung Heavy Industry, Taejon, KOREA)
- Published : 1996.11.01
In this work, a panel method is described, which cart solve the flow field round a surface-piercing body that experiences lift and wave resistance. As the body boundary condition, a Dirichlet type is employed, and as the free surface boundary condition the Poisson type is implemented, while in its discretization Dawson's 4-point upwind difference scheme is utilized, and as the Kutta condition a Morino-Kuo type is chosen. As to the type of singularity, source panels are distributed on the free surface, and source and dipole panels on the body surface, and dipole panels on the wake surface. For a sample run, a catamaran of the parabolic Wigley hull is chosen, for which experimental data are available, and the predictions by the numerical means and by the experiment are compared for a wide range of parameters.