This study aims at the estimation of a river management flow in urban basin analyzing Sinchun basin to be the tributary of Kumho river basin. The river management flow has to satisfy a low flow as natural flow and an environmental preservation flow estimated by a dilution flow to satisfy a target water quality in drought flow. Therefore for the estimation of a river management flow in Sinchun in this study, first Tank model as a basin runoff model estimates a low flow, a drought flow from a flow duration curve in Sinchun, second QUAL2E model as water quality model simulates water quality in Sinchun and estimates environmental preservation flow to satisfy a target water qua%its, BOD 8 mg/l by a dilution flow derived from Kumho river, Nakdong river and around water. And the river management flow is estimated by addition of a use flow and a loss flow to more flow between a low-flow and an environmental preservation flow.