부산 연안역의 오존 농도에 미치는 해풍의 영향

The Influences of 5ea Breeze on Surface Ozone Concentration in Pusan Coastal Area, Korea

  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


Air pollution characteristics and the influence of sea breeze on surface ozone concentration were studied using the data measured at 7 air quality continuous monitoring stations from June to September using 3 years (1990, 1993, 1994) in Pusan coastal area. Among the 246 sea breeze days for research Period, there were approximately 89 sea breeze days (36%) from lune to September, And there were 120 the episode days (68%) of ozone greater than or equal to 60 ppb in summer season. In 89 sea breeze days, the episode day was highly marked as 56 days (63%). So, we knew that the sea breeze greatly affects the occurence of ozone episode day. the ozone concentration under the condition of the sea breeze increase about 40% in the daytime. Frequencies distribution of $O_3$ concentration for sea breeze moved toward high concentration class. The characteristics of ozone concentration in relation to meteorological conditions of sea breeze is significant because we can discover major weather factors for eastablishing an air pollution- weather forecast system. For further. study about meterological approach method for photochemical air pollution, it is necessary to explain the characteristics of atmosphere below 1, 000 m, especially concerning the formation mechanism of inversion layers. And finally, we will study the relationships to synoptic weather conditions and vertical structure and diurnal variation of local wind systems including sea breeze, and the vertical movements of atmosphere in the city.



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