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- Patterns of Attachment Ainsworth, M.D.;Blehar, M.C.;Waters, E.;Wall, S.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.16 The inventory of parent and peer attachment: Individual dirrerences and their relationship to psychological well-being in adolescence Armsden, G.C.;M.T. Greeberg
- Parent-child Relations Tjroughout Life The Parental side of attachment Bretherton, I.;Biringen, Z;Ridgeway, D.;K. Pillermer(ed.);K. Mccartney(ed.)
- Child Development v.57 The ability to negotiate the environment : Anaspect of infant competence as related to quality of attactment Cassidy, J.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Adult children's attachment and helpingbehavior to elderly parents: A Path model Cicirelli, V.
- Child Development v.61 Child-mother attachment of six years olds and social competence at school Cohn, D.A.
- Child Development v.62 Working and playing together: prediction of preschool social-emotional conpetence from mother-child interaction Denham, S.A.;Remwick, S.M.;Holt, R.W.
- International Journal of Aging and Human Development v.10 Young adults' relations with their Grandparents: an exploratory study Hoffman, E.
- British Journal of Projective Psychology Responses to seperation from parents: Aclinical test for young children Klagsbrun, M.;Bowlby, J.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.56 Affection, social contact, and geographic distance Lamton, L.;Siverstain, M.;Bengtson, V.
- Handbook of infant development Social Development in infant and early childhood Lewis, M.;J.D. Osofsky(ed.)
- Gorwing point in attachment theoru and research, Monographs of the Society for Child Development v.50 Security in infancy, childhood and sulthhood; A Moce to the level of representation Main, M.;Kaplan, N.;Cassidy, J.;I. Bretherton(ed.);E. Waters(ed.)
- Parent-shild relations throughout life Pillemer, K.;Mccartney, K.
- Conceiving the self Rosenberg, M.
- Child Development v.56 Attachment Classification from the Perspectove of infant-caregiver relationships and infant temperament Sroufe, L.A.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family Mother and daughter aid patterns and attachment Thompson, S.;Walker, A.J.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Intimacy and intergenerational aid contact: Aging mother and daughter Walker, A.;Thompson, L.