A study on Provlem Recognition of Middle-aged Wives in Buying Townwears

중년기 주부의 외출복 구매문제 인식 및 관련변인

  • 계선자 (숙명여자대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1996.12.01


Followings are the aims of this study: 1) To search various motives of middle-aged wives to buy townwears and subseqent problems as well as to examine socio-demographic variables physical variables and psychological variables and their influences on. 2) To set up theoretical foundation for further studies on this field. The data used in this study included 374 housewives living in Seoul and Pusan. Statistics used for data analysis were frequencies means standard deviation pearson's correlation factor analysis and regression analysis. The findings can be summarized as follows. 1. Middle-aged wives' recogntion of probloms in buying townwears was divided into two : deficiency motive and sufficiency motive. 2. Variables that affect recognition of problem to purchase townwears are three : Sensitivity to fashion preference for well-kinown lables identity of interpersonal relationship. 3 Recognition of problems for middle-aged wives to purchase townwears proved less than averaged and deficiency motive marked higher than that of abundancy.



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