계층별 수비패턴 분석을 통한 외식비의 빈곤선 설정 -1993년 도시근로자 가계를 중심으로-

Setting Poverty Line of Food Away from Home by Comparing of Consumption Pattern among different Social Classes -With a focus on the 1993 Urban Wage Earner's Family-

  • 류정순 (명지대학교 생활과학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


Food away from home consumption pattern difference among 20 different social strata has been observed in order to make judgement how much food away from home expenditure should be included in the 2 tiered poverty line. It was found that it was reasonable to include food away from home expenditure in the minimum living cost. And as social class rose expenditure amount and percentage of consumption compared to total food expenditure increased and income elasticity and margial propensity decreased. Percentage of consumption compared to total expenditure increased up to middle class however from 14/20 and up strata decreased as social strata rose. For 4 members city wage earner family suggested monthly poverty line is 16, 977 and suggested monthly relative poverty line is 60, 651.



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