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- 한국 사회학 v.16 노인부양에 관한 연구 윤종주
- 가족:가족의 변화와 전망 효도에서 사랑으로 장윤식
- 1995년 춘계 아동학회 한국인의 전통가정교육사상의 현재적 조명 이계학
- 한양대학교 박사학위논문 기혼여성의 부양스트레스에 관한 연구 - 노모와의 유대를 중심으로 이신숙
- 한국가정관리학회지 v.12 노모와 동·별거하는 며느리가 지각하는 부양스트레서의 결정변인 탐색에 관한 연구 이신숙;서병숙
- 한국통계연감 통계청
- 1993년 인구동태통계연보(인구동태신고에 의한 집계) 통계청
- 한국의 사회지표 통계청
- Aging and Society v.8 Kinship, responsibility and care for elderly people Allan, G.
- Aging and the family Prologue: A developmental overiew of the aging family Bahr, S. J.;Bahr, S. J.(ed.);Peterson, E. T.(ed.)
- The changing contract across generations Is the "contract across generations" changing? Effects of population aging on obligations and expectations across age groups Bengtson, V. L.;V. L. Bengtson(ed.);W. A. Achenbaum(ed.)
- Journal of Gerontological Social Work v.10 Adult children and their parents: Irredeemable obligation and irreplaceable loss Berman, J. J.
- Social structure and the family: Generational relationships Social work and family relationships in later life with some thoughts on filial maturity Blenkner, M.;E. Shonos(ed.);G. Streib(ed.)
- Parents and children: The ehtics of the family Blustein, J.
- British Journal of Psychiatry v.130 The making and breaking of affectional bonds Bowlby, J.
- The Gerontologist v.25 Parent care as a normative stress Brody, E.
- The Gerontologist v.21 "Women in the middle" and Family help to older people Brody, E. M.
- The Gerontologist v.27 Work status and parent care: A comparison of four groups of women Brody, E. M.;Kleban, M. H.;Johnsen, P. T.;Hoffman, C.;Schoonover, C. B.
- Journal of Divorce v.11 A qualitative analysis of the decision to remarry using Gilligan's ethic of care Byrd, A. J.;Smith, R. M.
- The Hasting Center Report v.15 What do children owe elderly parents? Callahan, D.
- The Gerontologist v.23 Strain among caregivers: A study of experience in the United States Cantor, M. H.
- Women and Health v.14 Intergenerational transfers within the family context-motivating factors and their implications for caregiving Cantor, M. H.;Hirshorn, B.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Adult children's attachment and helping behavior to elderly parents: A path model Cicirelli, V. G.
- The other generation gap: The middle-aged and their aging parents Cohen, S. Z.;Gans, B. M.
- Hiving Chldren What do grown children owe their parents? English, J.;O. O'Neill(ed.);W. Ruddick(ed.)
- The changing contract across generations When the contract fails: Care for the elderly in nonindustrial cultures Foner, N.;V. L. Bengtson(ed.);W. A. Achenbaum(ed.)
- In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development Gilligan, C.
- Harvard Educational Review v.47 In a different voice: Women's conceptions of self and morality Gilligna, C
- The Gerontologist v.25 Sons and daughters as caregivers to older parents: Differences in role performance and consequences Horowitz, A.
- IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Scholarship v.21 Caregiver burden and moral development Klein, S.
- The psychology of moral development: Moral stages and the idea of Justice Kohlberg, L.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Characteristics of middle-aged daughters and help to their elderly mothers Lang, A. M.;Brody, E. M.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.51 Aging parents and adult children: Aging parents and adult children: Research themes in intergenerational relations Mancini, J. A.;Blieszner, R.
- Among generations; The cycle of adult relationships Norris, J. E.;Tindale, J. A.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.55 Care of the elderly in Japan: Changing norms and expectations Ogawa, N.;Retherford, R. D.
- Structuralism Piaget, J.
- Thought What children owe parents: Ethics in an aging society Post, S. G.
- Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences v.45 Is intergenerational solidarity a unidimentstional construct? A second test of a formal model Roberts, R. E. L.;Bengtson, V. L.
- Research on Aging v.11 Is parent care normative? The experiences of a sample of middle-aged women Rosenthal, C. J.;Matthews, S. H.;Marshall, V. W.
- The Gerontologist v.23 Expressions of moral thought in later adulthood Rybash, J. M.;Roodin, P. A.;Hoyer, W. J.
- The Geronntologist v.27 Role strain in motherdaughter relationships in later life Scharlach, A. E.
- The Journal of Philosophy v.86 Filial Morality. Women and moral theory. Sommers, C. H.;E. F. Kittay;D. T. Meyers
- Women in miflife The daughter of aging parents. Stueve, A.;O'Donnell, L.;G. Baruch;J. Brooks-Gunn
- Family Relations v.39 Motives for parental caregiving and relationship quality Walker, A. J.;Pratt, C. C.;Shin, H.;Jones, L. L.