농초여성의 생산활동 스트레스에 관한연구

A Study on Farm Women's Stress in Productive Activity

  • 양순미 (농촌진흥청 농촌생활연구소)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


The purpose of this study is to show farm women's stress under productive activity role multiple overload through family characteristic (pattern and number) and characteristic(type working time and involvement proportion) of productive activity. The outline of the study is as follow; 1. Stress by pattern and number of a family is highest in a four generation family and increases according as the number of the family increases. 2. The characteristic of productive activity : 1) Stress based on type of productive activity is highest in Type III of the most multiple overload roles. 2) in light of stress based working time area of household task activity is in inverse proportion to working time but area of farming and wage earning activity are approximately in direct proportion to it. The two-way ANOVA analysis show that stress in Type I of area of household task increases but in Type IV it decreases as working time increases 3) In stress based on involvement proportion to it. The wo-way ANOVA analysis show that stress in Type I of area of household task increases but in Type IV it decreases as working time increases. 3) In stress based on involvement proportion in three as working time increases 3). In stress based on involvement proportion in three activity areas the more the involvement proportion the less of the stress : an inverse ratio.



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