조견표를 이용한 무직류 및 최소대역폭 이진선로부호의 설계

Design of DC-free and minimum bandwidth binary line codes by look-up table

  • 장창기 (경북대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 주언경 (경북대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


In this paper, DC-free and minimum bandwidth binary line codes with look-up table are proposed and their performances are analyzed. As results of performance analysis, the proposed codes are shown to have spectral nulls at DC and Nyquist frequency. Among the proposed codes, binary line codes of which both codeword digital sum and alternating digital sum are zero have lower code rate but better spectral characteristics. Furthermore, binary line codes which consist of all codewords including those with nonzero digital sum and alternating digital sum have worese spectral characteristics but higher code rate.
