도심 마이크로셀에서의 무선 전파지연 특성에 관한 실험적 분석

Experimenatal analysis of radio propagation delay characteristics in urban microcells

  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


This paper describes about the spread specturm radio wave propagation characteristics in urban microcells. The experiments are carried out with respect to the mean excess delay, the RMS delay spread, and the received maximum peak power in the two kinds of geogrphical areas, LOS area and N-LOS area, especially whose variations are observed while varying the transmission distance and tilting the transmitting antenna. The typical results obtained in pariticular urban sites in Seoul are 300-600 nsec of mean excess delay and about 75 nsec of averaged RMS delay spread for LOS area, and 270-280 nsec of mean excess delay and about 100 nsec for N-LOS area. With the transmitting antenna gilted, obsered in the experiments are increase in RMS delay spread as expected, but increase of the received power at N-LOS areas in particular.
