광원의 색채 계측에 의한 TV 화상의 색 향상

The Color Enhancement of TV Picture by the Color Measurement of Illumination

  • 발행 : 1996.01.01


An object color can be seen differently under the various outer illuminants. However, human visual system has color constnacy that the object color can be seen constantly under the different outer illuminants. When the viewer watches TV under specific that the object color can be seen constantly under the different outer illuminants. When the viewer bathes TV under specific outer illuminants, he perceives distortes color due to the emitting specturm of outer illuminants as well as the radiation of CPT itself. Namely, when the outer illuminants such as fluorescent and incandescent lamps incident on CPT, brightness, saturation, hue, itself. Namely, when the outer iluminants such as fluorescent and incandescent lamps incident on CPT, brightness, saturation, hue, and contrast on color pictures are changend, he perceives distortedcolr fromthe original color. In this paper color enhancement algorithm based on light intensity and outer light decision funtion using RGB sensor was proposed. The implemented TV of proposed algorithm has higher visual quality at the view point of human visual system and more vivid than that ofcoventional color TV.
