Fumonisin B$_1$ is hepatotoxic in all species, but liver carcinogenic and nephrotoxic in rat. Our objective was to investigate the effects of multiple iv dose of FB$_1$. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intravenously (iv) with FB$_1$ at 1 mg/kg singly (T1), or daily for 2 (T2) or 3 (T3). T1 rats did not show any cytotoxicity in both liver and kidney. However, the most dramatic change occurred in this group was mitotic figures in liver, which increased 5.5-fold to that of control. Hepatotoxic effects were shown in T3, based on histopathology and serum chemistry. A few scattered single cell deaths occurred primarily in the centrilobular area of the liver in T2. Similar but more lesions in liver and a small number of degenerating cells with hypereosinophilic cytoplasm in outer stripe of medulla of kideny were found in T3 rats. Serum chemical profiles included liver enzymes increased, in which cholesterol was very sensitive. This study suggests that multiple exposure of low dose FB$_1$ cause cytotoxic in the liver earlier time point than kideny. FB$_1$$ also stimulates mitosis in liver that may be associated with carcinogenesis.
Fumonisin B$_1$(FB$_1$)은 모든 동물종에서 간독성을 나타내며 흰쥐에서는 간암과 신장독성을 일으키는 발암물질이다. 본 연구에서는 FB$_1$의 반복투여 효과를 관찰하고자 수컷 Sprague-Dawley 흰쥐에 1 mg FB$_1$/kg을 1일(T$_1$) 혹은 2일(T$_2$), 3일(T$_3$)간 반복주사하였다. T$_1$군에서는 간장과 신장 다같이 독성작용이 발견되지 않았으나 간장에서는 대조군에 비해 5.5배의 증가된 세포분열상이 관찰되었다. 한편 T$_3$군에서는 병리조직학적 관찰과 혈청검사에서 간소엽 중심부에 병변이 있는 간독성이 관찰되었으며, 신장은 수질부 outer stripe에서 세포변성이 인정되었다. T$_3$군에서는 간효소를 포함하는 혈청검사치가 증가되었는데 특히 Cholesterol이 증가되었다. 따라서 FB$_1$의 반복 노출시에 신장보다는 간장에서 먼저 세포독성이 관찰되었으며 세포분열 역시 증가되었다.