- Biometrika v.78 Detecting a smooth signal: Optimality of cusum based procedures Buckley, M.J.
- The Annals of Statistics v.16 Testing the (parametric) null hypothesis in (semiparametric) partial and generalized spline models Cox, D. D.;Koh, E.;Wahba, G.;Yandell, B.
- Numerische Mathematik v.24 Oscillation matrices with spline smoothing Demmler. A;Reinsch. C.
- The Annals of Statistics v.20 Testing goodness-of-fit in regression via order selection criterion Eubank. R.L.;Hart, J.D.
- Biometrika v.80 Commonality of cusum, von Neumann and smoothing-based goodness-of-fit tests Eubank, R.L.;Hart, J.D.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Testing the goodness of fit of a linear model via nonparametric regression techniques Eubank, R.L.;Spiegelan, C.H.
- Technical Report, No. 857 RKpack and its applications: Fitting smoothing spline models Gu, C.
- The Annals of Statistics v.21 Comparing nonparametric regression versus parametric regression fits Hardle, W.;Mammen, E.
- Biometrika v.76 A Cubic spline extension of the Durbin-Watson test Munson, P.J.;Jernigan, R.W.
- The Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.12 Distribution of the ratio of the mean squared successive difference to the variance Neumann, J. Von
- The Annals of Statistics v.12 Bandwidth choice for nonparametric regression Rice, J.