Asymptotic Gaussian Structures in a Critical Generalized Curie-Wiss Mean Field Model : Large Deviation Approach

  • Kim, Chi-Yong (Department of Applied Statist.ics, Seo Kyung University, Seoul, 136-704, Korea.) ;
  • Jeon, Jong-Woo (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-742, Korea.)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


It has been known for mean field models that the limiting distribution reflecting the asymptotic behavior of the system is non-Gaussian at the critical state. Recently, however, Papangelow showed for the critical Curie-Weiss mean field model that there exist Gaussian structures in the asymptotic behavior of the total magnetization. We construct Gaussian structures existing in the internal fluctuation of the system for the critical case of a generalized Curie-Weiss mean field model.



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