위상 공액 거울에 흡착된 분자의 광학적 성질

Optical Properties of Admolecules near a Phase -Conjugate Mirror

  • 김영식 (홍익대학교 공과대학 기초과학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


The induced linewidth, frequency shift and absorption spectrum for a molecular dipole in the vicinity of a phase -conjugate mirror have been investgated within a classical phenomenological model, with particularreference to the technique of optical phase conjugation by a surface. While the shifts and the widths show similar characteristics as those obtained recently by Bochove who considered the problem within the context of four-wave mixing, the results obtained in the present model can be defined uniquely with the possibility of an infinite lifetime for the excited admolecule . Furthermore, the absorption lineshape obtained here some interesting features which depend on both the magnitude and the phase of the complex reflectivity of the mirror.



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