A Study on Shear Behavior of Fill in Cellular Bulkhead by Two Dimensional Model Test with Aluminium Rods

알루미늄봉을 이용한 셀(Cell) 채움재의 전단거동에 관한 연구

  • 장정욱 (정회원, 청주대학교 이공대학 자원공학과)
  • Published : 1996.10.01


Lateral loading model tests were performed on the rigid box-shaped cellular bulkhead by displacement-controlled method. The materials of ground and fill used in this study are two aluminium rods with different sections. The behalf·iotas of ground and fill were recorded by photo/video techniques and failure mechanism created in ground and fill has been simulated two-야mensionally. Also the theoretical consideration about the test results was done on the basis of Hansen's earth pressure theory. As a result, the shape of sliding face the location of sliding face and the loading height was also investigated.



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