분산 운영체제 연구동향

  • 발행 : 1996.01.01




  1. Proc. Summer 1986 USENIX Conf. Mach : A New Kernel Foundation for UNIX Development M.Accetta;R.Baron;D.Golub;R.Rashid;A.Tevanian;M.Young
  2. Tech. Report GIT-CC-92/34 The Power of Processor Consistency M.Ahamad;R.A.Bazzi;R.John;P.Kohli;G.Neiger
  3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science v.672 The MOSIX Distributed Operating System, Load Balancing for UNIX A.Barak;S.Guday;R.Wheeler
  4. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments v.7 no.2;Summer The NOW MOSIX and its Preemptive Process Migration Scheme A.Barak;O.Laden;Y.Yarom
  5. Tech. Report TR-I4-94-06 Techniques for building a fast threads package on NUMA architectures F.Bellosa
  6. Proc. 2nd ACM Symp. on Priciples and Practice of Parallel Programming Munin : Distributed Sared Memory Based on Type-Specific Memory Coherence J.K.Bennett;J.K.Carter;W.Zwaenepoel
  7. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems v.8 no.1 Lightweight Remote Procedure Call B.N.Bershad;T.E.Anderson;E.D.Lazowska;H.M.Levy
  8. Proc. IEEE COMPCON Conf. The Midway Distributed Shared Memory System B.N.Bershad;M.J.Zekauskas;W.A.Sawdon
  9. Proc. of 25th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing Space-Efficient Scheduling of Multithreaded Computations R.D.Blumofe;C.E.Leiserson
  10. Porc. of the Internal. Conf. on Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing Design of the Masix Distributed Operating System on top of the Mach Microkernel Ry Card;Hubert Le Van Gong;Pierre Guillaume Raverdy
  11. Commun. of the ACM v.32 Linda in Context N.Carricro;D.Gelernter
  12. Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems Intergrated Support to Improve Inter-thread Communication and Synchronization in a Multithreaded Processor C.S.Chen;C.C.Tseng
  13. 정보과학회지 v.12 no.10 마이크로 커널기술에 대한 고찰 최효진;임기욱
  14. Distributed Systems : Concepts and Design (2nd Ed.) G.Coulouris;J.Dollimore;T.Kindberg
  15. Multithreaded Computer Architecture : A Summary of the State of the Art J.B.Dennis;G.R.Gao
  16. Proc. 13th Ann. Interal. Symp. on computer Architecture Memory Access Buffering in Multiprocessors M.Dubois;C.Scheurich;F.A.Briggs
  17. IEEE Computer v.21 Synchronization, Coherence. and Event Ordering in Multiprocessors M.Dubois;C.Scheurich;F.A.Briggs
  18. Porc. 17th Ann. Interal. Symp. on computer Architecture Momory Consistency and Event Ordering in Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors K.Gharachorloo(et al.)
  19. ACM SIGPLAN Notices v.26 no.4 Performance Evaluation of Memory Consistency Models for Shared Memory Multiprocessors K.Gharachorloo;A.Gupta;J.Hennessy
  20. Computer Design POSIX for realtime embedded systems D.Hildebrand
  21. Proc. 10th Internat. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems Slow Memory : Weakening Consistency to Enhance Concurrency in Distributed Shared Memories P.W.Hutto;M.Ahamad
  22. Tech. Report IR-295, Dept. of Math and Computer Science Efficient reliable group communication for distributed systems M.F.Kaashoek;A.S.Tanenbaum
  23. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News v.20 no.2 Lazy Release Consistency for Software Distributed Shared Momory P.Keleher;A.L.Cox;W.Zwaenepoel
  24. IEEE Trans. on Software Eng. v.17 no.7 The influence of Different Workload Descriptions on a Heuristic Load Balancing Scheme R.Kunz
  25. ACM Trans. Comput. Systems v.7 Memory Consistency in Sared Virtual Memory Systems K.Li;P.Hudak
  26. Tech. Report CS-TR-188-88, Dept. of Computer Science Parm : A Scalable Shared Memory R.J.Lipton;J.S.Sandberg
  27. Byte DCE : Building the Distributed Future M.D.Milikin
  28. Proc. of COMPCON An Overview of the Spring System J.Mitchell;J.Gibbons;G.Hamilton;P.Kessler;Y.Khalidi;P.Kougiouris;P.Madany;M.Nelson;M.Powell;S.Radia
  29. Tech. Report TR93-11, Dept. of Computer Science Memory Consistency Models D.Mosberger
  30. Computer Systems Journel Chorus Distributed Operating System M.Rozier(et al.)
  31. Design and Implementation of Maruti-Ⅱ : Principles of Real-Time Systems M.Saksena;J.da Silva;A.K.Agrawala;Sang Son(ed.)
  32. IEEE Computer v.25 no.12 Load Distributing for Locally Distributed Systems N.G.Shivaratri;M.Singhal
  33. IEEE Software v.8 no.3 The Spring Kernel : A New Paradigm for Real Time Systems J.Stankovic;K.Ramamritham
  34. Computer Communcations v.14 no.4 The Amoeba Distributed Operating System-A Status Report A.S.Tanenbaum;M.F.Kaashoek;R.van Renesse;H.Bal
  35. Distributed Operating Systems A.S.Tanehbaum
  36. Tech. Report CS-94-842, Dept. of Computer Science Efficient, Portable, and Robust Extension of Operating System Functionality A.M.Vahdat;D.P.Ghormley;T.E.Anderson
  37. 1st Internat. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Algorithms Extensible, Flexible and Secure Services in Angel, a Single Address Space Operating System T.Wilkinson;K.Murray
  38. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News v.20 no.2 A Performance Study of Memory Consistency Modles R.N.Zucker;J.L.Baer