단일 신호에 대한 창 함수의 잡음 제거 성능 평가

Performance estimation of the noise reduction by window function on a single tone

  • 백문열 (순천공업전문대학 자동차과) ;
  • 김병삼 (순천공업전문대학 환경공업과)
  • Baek, Moon-Yeol ;
  • Kim, Byoung-Sam
  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


Windowing routines have as their purpose the reduction of the sidelobes of a spectral output of the FFT or DFT routines. Windowing routines accomplish this by forcing the beginning and end of any sequence to approach each other in value. Since they must work with any sequence they force the beginning and ending samples near zero. To make up for this reduction in power, windowing routines give extra weight to the values near the middle of the sequence. The difference between windows is the way in which they transition from the low weights near the edges to the higher weights neqr the middle of the sequence. Signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) can be determined by the ratio of the output noisy signal variance to the input noisy signal variance of a window. Standard deviation of noise is reduced by windowing. Thus, the windowing operation improved the SNR of the noisy signal. This paper shows a performance estimation of windowing on a single tone with added Gaussian noise and uniform noise.
