The Removal Rates of the Constituents of Litters in the Littoral Grassland Ecosystems in the Lake Paldangho I. Organics

팔당호 연안대 초지생태계에서 낙엽 구성성분의 유실률 I.유기물

  • Published : 1996.06.01


The removal rates of gross production and organic matters were investigated in the Lake Paldangho. In 1995 and 1996, soils and litter sarraples were collected and annual mean production and removal rates were calculated. Communities in the Lake Paldangho were Phragrnites communis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Typha aegustata and Scirpas tahernaemoutani. Removal constants of aquatic plant communities estimated by the mathematical theoretical models, were 0.826, 0.567, 0.571 and 0.751, respectively. The durations of reaching half of initial organic amounts were 0.839 yeras, 1.221 years, 1.213 years and 0.922 years respectively at the steady state of removal and accumulation for organics For organics, the rapidity of removal were more speedy P. communis, S.tahernaemontani, T. augustata, M sacehariflorus in order. The times needed for 99% removal were 6.051 years, 6.651 years, 8.752 years and 8.811 years, respectively. Key wotds:Gross production, Organic matters, Lake Paldangho, Phragmites communis, Mis-ca ethus sacchariflorus, Typha angustata, Scirpus tahernaemoutani., Removal constants.
