- Br Med J v.2 Fibrosis of the lungs due to the inhalation of asbestos dust Cooke WE
- Arch Environ Health v.16 Airborne fibrous glass particles. Chest roentgenograms of persons with prolonged exposure Wright GW
- Environ Health Persp v.88 Human disease consequences of fiber exposures: A review of human lung pathology and fiber burden data Roggli VL
- Am J Ind Med v.22 Pneumoconiosis research in South Africa with emphasis on developments in the last quarter century Sluis-Cremer GK
- Environ Health Persp v.88 Historical developments and perspectives in inorganic fiber toxicity in man Selikoff IJ
- Am J Ind Med v.20 Difficulties of attribution of effect in workers exposed to asbestos and rotary spun fiberglass Kilburn KH;Warshaw RH
- 대한산업의학회지 v.7 우리나라 일부 석면사업장의 석면폐 유병율 백도명;백남원;최정근;손미아;임정기;이원진;문영한;박정선;최병순
- Environ Health Persp v.88 Human occupational and no-nocupational exposure to fibers Esman NA;Edral S
- Environ Health Persp v.88 Effects of fiber characteristics on lung deposition, retention, and disease Lippmann M
- Cancer v.56 Fiber concentration in lung tissue of patients with malignant mesothelioma: a case-control study Mowe G;Gylseth B;Hartveit F;Skaug V
- Environ Health Persp v.88 Human epidemiology: A review of fiber type and characteristics in the develoment of malignant and nonmalignant disease Merchant JA
- Am J Ind Med v.22 Electron microscopy analysis of mineral fibers in human lung tissue Friedrichs KH;Brockmann M;Fischer M;Wick G
- Am Rev Respir Dis v.128 Respiratory health in workers exposed to man-made vitreous fibers Weil H;Hughes JM;Hammad YY;Glindmeyer HW Ⅲ;Sharon G;Jones RN
- Br J Ind Med v.49 Pulmonary effects of exposure to fine fiberglass: irregular opacities and small airways obstruction Kilburn KH;Powers D;Warshaw RH
- Occupational safety and health series No 22 Guidelines for the use of ILO international classification of radiographs for pneumoconiosis International Labour Office
- J Occup Med v.13 The prevalence of radiographic abnormalities in the chests of fiber glass workers Nasr ANM;Ditcher T;Scholtens PA