- Journal of Small Animal Practice v.37 Long term follow-up of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in the dog Piek CJ;Hazewinkel HAW;Wolvekamp WTC;Nap RC;Mey BP
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.197 Use of external coaptatin for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a dog Gibson KL;Lewis DD;Pechman RD
- Journal of Small Animal Practice v.33 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease in dogs : Genetic aetiology Robinson R
- Chung Hua Wai Ko Tsa Chih v.29 no.7 Hemodynamics changes in proximal femur of patients with femoral head necrosis Tao SN
- J Bone Joing Surg Am v.73 no.2 The role of venous hypertension in the pathogenesis of Legg-Perthes disease. A clinical and experimental study Liu SL;Ho TC
- J Pediatr Orthop v.10 no.3 Evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging in Legg-Perthes disease : a prospective, blinded study Henderson RC;Renner JB;Sturdivant MC;Greene WB
- Saunders manual of Small Animal Practice, (1st ed) Coxofemoral Joint Olmstead ML
- Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics & Fracture Treatment, (2nd ed) Diagnosis and Treatment of Orthopedic Conditions of the Hindlimb Brinker WO;Piermattei DL;Flo GL
- Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, (2nd ed) Diseases of the immature skeleton Konde LJ
- Veterinary Pediatrics, (2nd ed) The musculoskeletal system Shires PK;Schulz KS
- Manual of Small Animal Arthrology, (1st ed) The Hip Joint Jones DGC
- Clinical Orthopaedics v.62 Legg-Perthes disease in the dog. A case report with special reference ot initial radiographic changes Ljunngren G