직물의 표백과 세척이 유연제(DSDMAC) 흡착에 미치는 영향(제2보)

The Effects of Bleaching or Washing on the Absorption of Softener (DSDMAC) (Part 2)

  • 박선경 (서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과) ;
  • 유효선 (서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


This study was carried to figure out the effect of washing on the cationic surfactant (DSDMAC) absorption by nylon fabrics washed with anionic surfactant(SDBS). Cationic surfactant absorption, static electricity, and fabric stiffness of washed and unwashed nylon fabrics were estimated. And to check the correlation between DSDMAC absorption and SDBS absorption, SDBS absorption by nylon fabrics were measured The results were as follows; 1. Nylon fabrics washed with SDBS absorbed more DSDMAC than unwashed fabrics. The more SDBS absorbed by nylon fabrics, the more DSDMAC absorbed. This is account for the increase in negative zeta potential of washed nylon fabrics. 2. Absorption of SDBS by nylon fabrics increased static electricity. Absorption of DSBMAC by washed and unwashed nylon fabrics greatyl decreased static electricity, and static electricity of washed nylon fabrics more decreased than that of unwashed nylon fabrics. 3. When washing cycles were under 20, DSDMAC absorption decreased fabric stiffness. As washing cycles were over 20, DSDMAC deposited as particles acted as points of weak adhesion between adjacent fibers, so increased the fabric stiffness.
