우리나라 폐경전 여성에서 칼슘, 단백질, 인의 섭취상태가 골밀도에 미치는 영향

Effects of Dietary Calcium, Protein, and Phosphorus Intakes on Bone Mineral Density in Korean Premenopausal Women

  • 오재준 (연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 건강증진센터)
  • 발행 : 1996.02.01


Effects of dietary calcium(Ca), protein, and phosphorus(P) intake on bone mineral density (BMD) were investigated in 129 Korean premenopausal women(age 31-54 years) without diagnosed disease. BMD was measured at the spine(vertebrae L2-4) and femur(neck, Ward's triangle and trochanter). By stepwise multiple regression analysis it was shown that protein, Ca, and P intakes affected most significantly on BMD at the vertebrae L2-4, protein and P intakes affected most significantly on BMD at the femoral neck and Ward's triangle, and body mass index(BMI) affected most significantly on BMD at the trochanteric region. When ate-matched BMD % at the vertebrae L2-4 and all femoral sites was grouped by three levels(<90%, 90-99%, >=100%), only at the vertebrae L2-4>=100% and 90-99% groups had higher Ca intakes than <90% groups. When Ca, protein and P intakes of the recommended level for Korean(RDA) were grouped by three levels (Ca or P ; <=650mg/d, 650-750mg/d, >=750mg/d, Protein ; <=55g/d, 55-60g/d, >=65g/d), only at the vertebrae L2-4>55g/d of protein intake had higher age-matched BMD % than <=55g/d intake, >=750mg/d of Ca and P intakes, age-matched BMD % than <=650mg/d. In RDA range of Ca, protein, and P intakes, age-matched BMD % of the vertebrae L2-4 and all femoral sites was greater than 90%. Correlation between Ca intake and vertebral BMD was examined closer. There was more significant linear correlation between vertebral BMD and Ca intake below 800mg/d(r=0.346, p<0.0001)than above(r=0.376, p<0.019), implying a threshold effect and vertebral BMD was better expressed as a function of the logarithm of calcium intake(r=0.3881, p<0.0001). These results suggest that Ca, protein, and P intakes greater than RDA help to maintain proper BMD in middle-aged prementopausal women. Especially dietary Ca have important role in increasing the vertebral BMD and 800mg/d of Ca intake is optimum amount.



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